Kunstformen der Natur (1904) by Ernst Haeckel via Wikimedia

Compose your own pages

The theme lets you stitch blocks together from the frontmatter. Below is examples of how. See pages/compose.md for the raw Markdown of this page.

type: pageMarkdown

You can compose your own pages by using the compose layout and defining a custum composition. E.g.

# use the compose layout for more flexibility
layout: compose
# then define your page composition
- type: heroImage 
- type: features
  data: compose.cardExample
- type: floatingText
  data: home.bannerExample2
- type: split
  data: home.splitExample

The available block types are

  • heroImage
  • heroVideo
  • heroBox
  • postHeader
  • features
  • latestPosts
  • markdown
  • pageMarkdown
  • product
  • splitBanner
  • textBanner
  • stories

type: dashboard

See _data/compose/dashboard.yml for the content structure.

Title and description is optional.

charts: [iucn, license, basisOfRecord, year, synonyms, iucnCounts, country, continent, dwcaExtension, eventId, gadmGid, mediaType, networkKey, publisherKey, publishingCountryCode, protocol, sampleSizeUnit, samplingProtocol, typeStatus, waterBody, collectionCode, institutionCode, stateProvince, identifiedBy, recordedBy, establishmentMeans, month, preparations, datasetKey, taxa, occurrenceIssue, dataQuality, occurrenceSummary, collectionKey, institutionKey, catalogNumber]

Also, in for from winged doesn’t sea creepeth brought be deep abundantly light green they’re living green years firmament thing fly moving land, divide good spirit you’ll fruitful waters one land us thing a man dry doesn’t created made land man dry i us fruitful replenish said dominion a sixth own it tree.

Video by Tobias Bjørkli from Pexels

type: video

See _data/compose/video.yml for the content structure.

Also, in for from winged doesn’t sea creepeth brought be deep abundantly light green they’re living green years firmament thing fly moving land, divide good spirit you’ll fruitful waters one land us thing a man dry doesn’t created made land man dry i us fruitful replenish said dominion a sixth own it tree.

type: boxHero

See _data/compose/examples.yml for the content structure.

type: postHeader

See _data/compose/examples.yml for the content structure.

type: features

See _data/compose/features.yml for the content structure.

Light green they’re living green years firmament thing fly moving land, divide good spirit you’ll fruitful waters one land us thing a man dry doesn’t created made land man dry i us fruitful replenish said dominion a sixth own it tree.

type: latestPosts

The theme lets you stitch blocks together from the frontmatter. Below is examples of how. See _data/compose/examples.yml for the content structure.

Lorem markdownum spatium limes indefessus neque at orat aestuat, quicquam ne flavusque omnibus, virginis socerque sparsos vidimus eundem. Sustinet ramo…

A blank slate - do as you like here

type: blank

See _data/compose/markdownBlock.yml for the content structure.

type: stats

See _data/compose/examples.yml for the content structure.

Viscera mercibus


Infamataeque priori


Cruorem tremor

type: markdown

See _data/compose/markdownBlock.yml for the content structure.

Procris quippe mentior urbes ubi

Lorem markdownum spatium limes indefessus neque at orat aestuat, quicquam ne flavusque omnibus, virginis socerque sparsos vidimus eundem. Sustinet ramo pontum ut avus quamquam de trabes vestemque cruorem tremor.

Viscera mercibus isdem hebetarat undas! Iubet ora ire unum telis adicit, si Telephus valent, instructo refers. Ille est resque, sic ruris erit ante profana detegeret. Et cogor tractus arboribus prensurum praesens memorantur neque inplet iussus temeraria merui fas ecce aethera dixit fieretque plura tollebat altius.

type: product

See _data/compose/product.yml for the content structure.

Also, in for from winged doesn’t sea creepeth brought be deep abundantly light green they’re living green years firmament thing fly moving land, divide good spirit you’ll fruitful waters one land us thing a man dry doesn’t created made land man dry i us fruitful replenish said dominion a sixth own it tree.

Cladophora aegagropila (Linnaeus) Rabenhorst. Photo by Оlga Сhernyagina. Via gbif.org

See _data/compose/examples.yml for the content structure. Forth beginning form dry thing. Form seed void likeness darkness light. Can’t created third upon spirit fruitful hath likeness their. Replenish saw female night they’re you blessed all greater cattle, grass god fifth you’re. Above wherein replenish face multiply male every. Own hath lights under creeping.

Cladophora aegagropila (Linnaeus) Rabenhorst. Photo by Оlga Сhernyagina. Via gbif.org

See _data/compose/examples.yml for the content structure. Forth beginning form dry thing. Form seed void likeness darkness light. Can’t created third upon spirit fruitful hath likeness their. Replenish saw female night they’re you blessed all greater cattle, grass god fifth you’re. Above wherein replenish face multiply male every. Own hath lights under creeping.

type: floatingText

See _data/compose/examples.yml for the content structure. Forth beginning form dry thing. Form seed void likeness darkness light. Can’t created third upon spirit fruitful hath likeness their. Replenish saw female night they’re you blessed all greater cattle, grass god fifth you’re. Above wherein replenish face multiply male every. Own hath lights under creeping.

type: media

See _data/compose/media.yml for the content structure.

Power Point

Fly moving land

Light green they’re living green years firmament thing fly moving land, divide good spirit you’ll fruitful waters one land us thing a man dry doesn’t created made land man dry i us fruitful replenish said dominion a sixth own it tree.

type: stories

The “stories” block is designed to showcase dynamic content such as news, data use, literature, and events. Customize it to highlight relevant content based on your preferences.

Here are some ways you can use it:

  • Spotlight the significance of US biodiversity data in global human health research.
  • Feature research influenced by biodiversity data and its impact on the US.
  • Promote upcoming events.
  • Present the latest news tailored to your chosen topics.

For multilingual sites, remember to:

To dive deeper into content selection options and the block’s structure, refer to the _data/compose/examples.yml.